2019 White Pine Award Nomination

White Pine Award badge.

I have been processing this news for a little while now, and am so incredibly happy to share it with the world: Black Chuck has been nominated for the Forest of Reading's 2019 White Pine Award!

This award is a huge, province-wide reading program organized by the Ontario Library Association's Forest of Reading, who pick nominees in groups ranging from picture books all the way up to high school and adult reading level.

My book has been chosen alongside nine other super-inspiring, extremely talented authors' books! Teachers, librarians, and readers all across Ontario will now register to vote in the program, which means they'll read at least five of the nominated titles in their chosen category, spreading the love of reading far & wide. And next spring, the books will be voted on by these readers, and the winner revealed!

This all means an exciting few months ahead for my little beast, Black Chuck! I'm so excited to even be considered alongside a bunch of authors who have been at this a lot longer than I have. What an absolute honour! Thank you so, so much to the OLA and the Forest of Reading (cue my Not Worthy bows...)!


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